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Free Second Friday

From 4–8pm, participate in hands-on art-making and a guided conversation in the galleries.

4–7pm Hands on! Art making for all ages, inspired by works on view. 

6pm Open Eyes: Guided conversation exploring a different art object each month.

Museum shop open + complimentary light refreshments. 

Free Second Friday—This program has been cancelled


In keeping with Smith College protocols related to COVID-19, we regret that the following program has been cancelled. Learn more

Please note the museum will be open until 4pm this day.

From 4–8pm, participate in hands-on art-making and a guided conversation in the galleries.

4–7pm Hands on! Art making for all ages, inspired by works on view. 

Dragons and Tigers and Buddhas, Oh My!

Second Friday Image of two people in gallery_Photo by Lynne Graves for SCMA

Free Second Friday


From 4–8pm, participate in hands-on art-making and a guided conversation in the galleries.

4–7pm Hands on! Art making for all ages, inspired by works on view. An assemblage is a work of art made by grouping found or seemingly unrelated but personally meaningful objects. Collage a three-dimensional valentine inspired by the assemblages of artist Betye Saar in the exhibition Black Refractions.

6pm Open Eyes: Guided conversation exploring a different art object each month. 

Museum shop open + complimentary light refreshments

Visitor studying the ancient collection

Free Second Friday


From 4–8pm, participate in hands-on art-making and a guided conversation in the galleries.

4–7pm Hands on! Art making for all ages, inspired by works on view. Craft three-dimensional paper sculptures inspired by the freshly reinstalled Ancient World gallery on the 2nd floor.

6pm Open Eyes: Guided conversation exploring a different art object each month. 

Museum shop open + complimentary light refreshments.