Museum Staff
- David Andrews, Visitor Services Coordinator musadm@smith.edu, ddandrews@smith.edu x2761
- Nikolas Asikis, Chief Preparator nasikis@smith.edu x3195
- Tiffany Bradley, Associate Director of Communications tbradley@smith.edu x2759
- Danielle Carrabino, Curator of Painting & Sculpture dcarrabino@smith.edu x2772
- Emma Chubb, Charlotte Feng Ford '83 Curator of Contemporary Art echubb@smith.edu x4006
- John Climie, Safety Team jclimie@smith.edu
- James Culbertson, Gallery Assistant, jculbertson@smith.edu
- Matthew Cummings, Preparator mcummings@smith.edu x3141
- Martha Ebner, Communications Coordinator mebner@smith.edu x2775
- Tamma Fairbrother, Safety Team tfairbrother@smith.edu
- Aprile Gallant, Mary Walcott Keyes 1931 Curator of Prints, Drawings and Photographs and Associate Director of Curatorial Affairs agallant@smith.edu x2768
- Mariana Garcia de la Noceda Caro, Collections Information Specialist, mgarciadelanocedacar@smith.edu
- Susan Gelotte, Shop Assistant x2796 sgelotte@smith.edu
- Kamala GhaneaBassiri, Bodnar Curatorial Fellow, kghaneabassiri@smith.edu
- Julia Giguere, Post-bacc Fellow in Marketing & Communications jgiguere@smith.edu
- Andrew Gnatek, Safety Team agnatek@smith.edu
- Gina Hall, Educator for School & Family Programs ghall@smith.edu x2773
- Robyn Haynie, Associate Director of Collections Management and Registration rhaynie@smith.edu x2765
- Jessica Henry-Cross, Financial and Systems Manager jhenrycross@smith.edu x4015
- Kelly Holbert, Exhibition Manager kholbert@smith.edu x3114
- Leah Hughes, Registration and Preparation Assistant lhughes@smith.edu
- Henriette Kets de Vries, Cunningham Center Manager & Associate Curator of Prints, Drawings and Photographs hketsdev@smith.edu x2778
- Louise M. Krieger, Assistant to the Director lkrieger@smith.edu x2762
- Chaia Leibowitz, Sacerdote Fellow in Museum Education, cleibowitz@smith.edu
- Clara Cho Wun Ma, Jane Chace Carroll Associate Curator of Asian Art, cma89@smith.edu x3438
- Jessie Magyar, Associate Director of Education and Interpretation jmagyar@smith.edu, x2783
- Bridget Hart Martin, Museum Store Manager bhmartin@smith.edu x2779
- Ann Mayo, Security Manager amayo@smith.edu x2791
- Charlene Shang Miller, Educator for Academic Programs csmiller@smith.edu x3109
- Chris Murphy, Gallery Assistant cmurphy99@smith.edu
- Jessica Nicoll, Director & Louise Ines Doyle '34 Chief Curator jfnicoll@smith.edu x2762
- Adara North, Gallery Assistant anorth@smith.edu
- Jolis Ortiz, Gallery Assistant jortiz@smith.edu
- Stephen Parè, Custodian spare@smith.edu
- Mike Patenaude, Safety Team mrpatenaude@smith.edu
- Stacey Phillips, Gallery Assistant sphillips23@smith.edu
- Sam Samuels, Director of Gift Planning, Development Office ssamuels@smith.edu x2694
- Lauren Shea-Warner, Membership, Engagement, and Stewardship Coordinator lsheawarner@smith.edu x2777
- Justin Thomas, Visitor Experience Manager jwthomas@smith.edu x3587
- Kristen Thiel, Museum Shop Assistant kthiel@smith.edu x2796
- Kasha Toone, Gallery Assistant ktoone@smith.edu
- Janet Weber, Shop Assistant x2796 jaweber@smith.edu
- Nisa Zalta, Gallery Assistant nzalta@smith.edu
- Matt Zimmerman, Collection Management (Mat Cutter) x2653 mzimmerman@smith.edu