SCMA is now
free to all
Free admission has been made possible by Smith alumnae Jan Fullgraf Golann '71 and Jane Timken ‘64.
today’s hours: sun11am–4pmmonclosedtue11am–4pmwed11am–4pm *CLOSED January 22thu11am–4pmfri11am–4pm *11am–8pm Second Friday of each monthsat11am–4pm
wed11am–4pm *CLOSED January 22
fri11am–4pm *11am–8pm Second Friday of each month
- CollageAnne RyanDecember 1951
- Ancestral Spirit Chair Betye Saar1992
- The DrinkerJan Steenca. 1660–1665
- Shell Vessel Koike Shōko1999
- A Word Made Flesh (Throat)Leslie Dill1994
- Market SceneDiego Rivera1930
- Horned OwlUnknownShang dynasty (17th–11th century BCE)
- Mirror with Design of BirdsUnknownHan Dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE)
- Cathedral at Rouen (La Cour d'Albane)Claude Monet1892–1894
happening now
Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now
"Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now" is the first survey for multidisciplinary artist Younes Rahmoun. Born in 1975 in Tetouan, Morocco, where he…
Worlds in Process: Art from the SCMA Collection
This project, called Worlds in Process: Art from the SCMA Collection, pilots new strategies for displaying the collection.
Thinking Through Drawing
When we look at a finished piece of art, we often feel a deep appreciation for that special moment when it transforms from an idea into a…
Figuration and Abstraction: Asian Art at SCMA
Drawing from the SCMA's holdings of Asian art collected over more than a century, this exhibition features paintings, sculptures, prints,…
The Artist at Work: Symbolism in Archibald Motley Jr.'s Stunning Self-Portrait
Yarra Berger is a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in the History of Art and Architecture.
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