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black and white tulips in a line travelling down hillside to a pond with tree and treeswing with people on swing and man and child looking tulips in the distance
Person in whote blouse and black shorts walking in a gallery with pins on wall and large white circles on the floor
Five students posing for a group picture in the Cunningham Center in front of artwork displayed on a table

SCHEMA 2021–2022 The Year in Review

Explore SCHEMA, the museum’s annual report, to learn more about SCMA exhibitions and programs, our staff, the contributions of museum donors and members, and new directions we’re taking to connect people to art, ideas and each other.

director's letter
Woman with short hair and glasses in a black sweater with hands in front of her and gray and blue walls behind

Much like the rest of the world, SCMA has been in a mode of adaptation the past few years. Since March 2020, when COVID closed down our campus and life as we knew it, we have recalibrated, reconfigured, reimagined and—through an incredible amount of care and effort on the part of our dedicated staff—reopened in August 2021.

SCMA by the numbers

Rectangular graphic box with SCMA by the number with dates June 30, 2021–June 30, 2022 within it


Back of a woman looking at two large circular flat blue and white artworks on the wall


Multi-block print of group Japanese women dressed in kimonos


Bird's eye view of a group of students in front of a wall with the chalked words: What Does it Mean to be American?


Group of parents and kids standing outside next to a large bronze Abstract Sculpture with a white modern building in the background

museum administration

Photo of over two dozen people facing the camera for a group photo in a white room with a wooden floor

SCHEMA 2021–2022

Editor-in-Chief: Tiffany Bradley
Digital Developer: Last Call Media
Digital Printer: Hadley Printing
Print Designer: Carolyn Eckert
Copy Editor: Jessica Skwire Routhier
Consulting Writer: Jennifer Gottlieb

SCMA Editorial Team: Tiffany Bradley, Martha Ebner, Aprile Gallant, Louise Krieger ’84, Jessica Nicoll ’83, Lauren Shea-Warner

Contributors: Danielle Carrabino, Emma Chubb, Deborah Diemente, Martha Ebner, Lily Foster, Aprile Gallant, Jennifer Gottlieb, Gina Hall, Kayara Hardnett-Barnes ’23, Jess Henry-Cross, Kelly Holbert, Henriette Kets de Vries, Louise Krieger ‘84, Charlene Shang Miller, Jessica Nicoll ’83, Nina C. Peláez, Brooklyn Quallen ’25, Lauren Shea Warner, Yao Wu

Photographers: Carol Berner, Danielle Carrabino, Martha Ebner, Gina Hall, Kayara Hardnett-Barnes ’23, Kelly Holbert, Doug Human, Lynne Graves, Henriette Kets de Vries, Charlene Shang Miller, Stephen Petegorsky, Brooklyn Quallen ’25, Laura Shea, Juliana Sohn, Shana Sureck

SCHEMA 2021–2022 was produced with support from the Maxine Weil Kunstadter, class of 1924, Fund and the Friends of the Museum Gift Fund. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information throughout this publication.

Please contact the Marketing and Communications Office with any questions.


top left: Amanda Williams, Desire Path Tulips, 2022, installation view from An Imposing Number of Times, Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA, 2020–2022. COLORBLENDS Black TieTM tulips, lawn between Happy Chace ’28 Garden and Paradise Pond, Smith College, dimensions variable (artwork © Amanda Williams; photograph by Juliana Sohn, provided by SCMA and Amanda Williams); top right: Visitor in the Maya Lin: Mappings exhibition; top right bottom: Africana Studies major at the student program Picto-Reflections from the Past, Present and Future, conceived and organized by Jayda Lobban ’22J, Academic Programs Assistant (second from left). Photo by Charlene Shang Miller