gifts and purchases of art
TONG Yang-Tze. Taiwanese, born 1942 in Shanghai
“Jin Xing” (to exert one's nature) from I Ching, n.d.
Ink on paper
Gift of Ruth V. Elcan
CHUNG, Andrea. American, born 1978
Sula Never Competed; She Simply Helped Others Define Themselves II, 2021
Printed paper collage, gold ink, shells, beads and steel pins on handmade paper
Purchased with the Dorothy C. Miller, class of 1925, Fund
SANDMAN, Jo. American, born 1931
Untitled, 1968
Paper collage, pen and brown ink on thin, smooth cream-colored paper
Gift of the artist, Jo Sandman
ANONYMOUS. Native American; possibly Ojibwe
Covered Box, 20th century
Porcupine quills, wood, thread, birchbark and sweetgrass
Gift of Gladys E. Baker in memory of Louise F. Potter, class of 1944 (right)
UNKNOWN. German, 18th century
Vanitas Snuff Box in the Shape of a Skull, ca. 1740–1760
Carved and polished burl wood with brass hinge and catch plate
Purchased with the Carol Ramsay Chandler Fund

QUEZADA, Alvaro. Mexican, born mid-20th century
Pot, 20th century
Burnished clay with slip decoration
Gift of the Estate of Kathleen Hibshman
UNKNOWN. Egyptian, Predynastic; Naqada II
Black-Topped Jar, ca. 3500–3300 BCE
Bowl with Handles and Painted Decoration, ca. 3500–3300 BCE
Cylindrical Jar with Painted Net Pattern, ca. 3500–3300 BCE
Clay with iron oxide
Oviod Jar with Pointed Base, ca. 3500–3300 BCE
Transfer from the Religion Department of Smith College in memory of Bruce Dahlberg
UNKNOWN. Iranian, Safavid dynasty (1501–1722)
Tiles from a Panel with Cup-Bearer Design, early 17th century
10 painted and polychrome-glazed stonepaste tiles, cuerda seca technique
Gift of Jane M. Timken, class of 1964
UNKNOWN. Japanese
Tea Bowl, 18th–19th century
Stoneware with gray glaze, Karatsu ware
Gift of Michael and Carin Cunningham in memory of Sadie Bell
AULET, Carlos. Cuban, born 1962
Balso Man (Raft Man), 1995
Pen, ink and brush on medium-thick, rough warm white paper
Gift of Holly Ackerman
BIOT, Charles-Jérôme (attributed to). Flemish, 1754–1838
Marine Scene with Dutch Fishing Boat (Botter), 18th century
Ink and wash over black chalk on medium-thick, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
BROWNE, J. Ross. American, born Ireland, 1821–1875
Colonel M. O. Davidson and Party at San Xavier del Bac, Arizona
Watercolor on paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
CANTAGALLINA, Remigio. Italian, 1575–1656
Landscape with Wayfarers, 17th century
Brown ink over black chalk on medium-thick, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958 (right top)
CIRCLE OF CIGOLI (Ludovico Cardi). Italian, 16th century Annunciation from Life of Christ, n.d.
Nativity from Life of Christ, n.d.
Bistre brown ink and wash on cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
FERRO, Cero (possibly). Italian, 1634–1689
Design for a Ceiling (Juno), 17th century
Brown ink, wash and red chalk on thin, smooth cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
LOHSE-WÄCHTLER, Elfriede. German, 1899–1940
Portrait of Wölbers, 1929
Charcoal and pastel on thick, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Purchased with the Katharine S. Pearce, class of 1915, Fund, the Margaret Walker Purinton Fund and the gift of the Almathea Foundation
MAMMEN, Jeanne. German, 1896–1970
Woman Winking, 1930s
graphite on medium-weight, smooth cream-colored paper
Purchased with the Dr. Robert A. and Minna Flynn Johnson, class of 1936, Acquisition Fund
MEULEN, Frans van der (attributed). Flemish (1632–1690)
Military Engagement (verso: Italianate Town Architecture), n.d.
Recto: bistre ink; verso: graphite and gray wash on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
QUAST, Pieter Jansz. Dutch, 1605/6–1647
Untitled (Figure Smoking), 17th century
Red chalk on prepared vellum
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT. Dutch, 17th century
Allegorical Representation of Asia (Asie), n.d.
Black ink on medium-weight, moderately textured cream-colored laid paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
ROWLANDSON, Thomas. English, 1757–1827
Untitled (Two People Conversing on a Road),
18th–19th century
Watercolor, ink, wash and graphite on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
SACCHETTI, Lorenzo. Italian, 1759–1829
Interior with Arches, n.d.
Iron gall ink on medium-weight, moderately textured brown laid paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
SALVIATI, Francesco. Italian, 1510–1563
A Victory Procession (verso: Torso Sculpture), n.d.
Recto: brown ink and white chalk on medium-weight, slightly textured blue paper (discolored); verso: black chalk
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
SHARRER, Honore. American, 1920–2009
50 drawings, 1990s–2005
Casein, graphite and ink on paper
Gift of Adam Zagorin
SOMMER, Alice. German, 1898–1982
Seated Boy with Glasses, July 18, 1923
Charcoal on medium-weight, smooth buff-colored paper
Purchased with the gift of the Almathea Foundation (right bottom)
UNKNOWN. Italian, 17th century
Angel Appearing to Hagar in the Desert, 17th century
Ink and wash over black chalk on cream-colored paper adhered to blue paper mount
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
UNKNOWN. Dutch, 17th century
Landscape with Figures and a Cottage, 17th century
Black ink, brown ink and gray wash over black chalk on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
UNKNOWN. Dutch, 17th century
Harbor Scene, n.d.
Black ink and wash over black chalk on medium-thick, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958
VALCKENBORCH, Martin van. Flemish, 1535–1612
Set Design, 16th–17th century
Brown ink, wash and black chalk on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Mary Ellen Fahs, class of 1958

SANDMAN, Jo. American, born 1931
Planar Intervention, n.d.
Unmowed grass; two 10-foot square wooden frames
Gift of the artist, Jo Sandman
DAGVASAMBUU, Uuriintuya. Mongolian, born 1979
Vaccine: Second Dose, 2021
Acrylic on canvas and paper
Purchased with the Carroll and Nolen Asian Art Acquisition Fund (right, on right)
KAIGETSUDO Dohan. Japanese, active 1710–1716
Standing Courtesan, ca. 1715; Edo period (1615–1868)
Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
Gift of John C. Weber
KAIGETSUDO SCHOOL. Japanese, 18th century
Standing Courtesan, ca. 1715; Edo period (1615–1868)
Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
Gift of John C. Weber (right, on left)
KITAJ, R. B. (Ronald Brooks). American, 1932–2007
The Harold J. Laski Field Day, 1966–1967
Oil on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Mary Jane Wilson (aka Mary Jane Long), class of 1960
PAXTON, William McGregor. American, 1869–1941
Portrait of a Man, ca. 1910
Oil on canvas
Gift of Alice Robbins Isenberg, class of 1959
TONG Yang-Tze. Taiwanese, born 1942 in Shanghai
Landscape (Listening to the Mountains), summer 1969
Bamboo and Rock (A Quiet Intimacy), summer 1969
Ink on paper
Gift of Ruth V. Elcan
UNKNOWN. Japanese, 19th century
Landscape, 1877
Hanging scroll, ink on paper
Gift of Michael and Carin Cunningham in memory of John Scannell
FOLLOWER OF UTAGAWA KUNISADA. Japanese, 19th century
Courtesan with a Folding Fan, mid-19th century; Edo period (1615–1868)
Oil painting on reverse side of glass
Gift of John C. Weber

BARBOZA, Anthony. American, born 1944
Watts, L.A., 1970s
Gelatin silver print
Purchased with the fund in honor of Charles Chetham (right top)
DUGAN, Jess T. American, born 1963
Every Breath We Drew, 2022
10 pigment prints on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Pearl paper
Purchased with the Elizabeth Halsey Dock, class of 1933, Fund
HOUDT, Joel van. Dutch, born 1981
Migrants arrive on Spain's Canary Islands after sailing the Atlantic Ocean for more than 34 hours from the series Entering Europe, 2008
Gift of Holly Ackerman
KATZ, Nancy Lee. American, 1947–2014
16 portraits of artists, printed 2021
Gelatin silver prints
Gift of Bruce Silverstein
KOLSTER, Michael. American, born 1963
Boone Street Overlook in Roxborough, Philadelphia, 2014
Sand Bar Ferry Bridge, Augusta, Georgia, Savannah River, 2014
Sand Bar Ferry Bridge, Augusta, Georgia, Savannah River, 2014
Archival pigment print
Gift of Karen Wells and Andrew Canning
LEWIN, Janis. American, born 1949
People on Havana street surround a large raft, 1994
Gift of Holly Ackerman
MATTHEWS, Sandra. American, born 1951
On Nipmuck and Pocumtuck homelands. Remains of a Japanese teahouse overlooking the Mill River, also known as Cappawonganick. Northampton/Nonotuck, 2015
On Agawam/Pentucket/Pawtucket homelands. The text on the marker is concealed under a plastic cover. Hamilton, 2019
On Nipmuc homelands. Indigenous ceremonial stones on state forest land, date unknown, 2020
On Massachusett, Nipmuc, and Pentucket/Pawtucket homelands. Fence alongside a seventeenth-century “Indian Burial Ground.” Natick, 2021
Pigment prints on thick, slightly textured warm white paper
Gift of the artist
MEISLER, Meryl. American, born 1951
Self Portrait, My Childhood Bedroom Mirror, North Massapequa, NY, February 1976
Vintage gelatin silver print
Cafeteria Finger Gesture, IS 291, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York, January 1991 (printed 2021)
Archival pigment print
Purchased with the fund in honor of Charles Chetham
MEISLER, Meryl. American, born 1951
Dallas Performs Near Mirrors, Hurrah Wild Wild West Party, New York, NY, March 1978 (printed 2016)
gelatin silver print
The Meredith S. Moody Collection. Purchased with the Hiram F. Moody and Sarah H. Goulard, class of 1967, Photography Fund (right middle)
PARDO, Orlando Luis. Cuban, 20th century
Untitled (Blue Car)
Gift of Holly Ackerman
SEKAER, Peter. American, born Denmark, 1901–1950
26 photographs, ca. 1935–1943
Gelatin silver prints (vintage and modern)
Gift of Christina Sekaer
STEM, Jim. American, 20th century
Airlifted Cuban Rescuees from Rafts, 1994
Gift of Holly Ackerman
VAN DER ZEE, James. American, 1886–1983
James Van DerZee: Eighteen Photographs, 1974
Portfolio of 17 gelatin silver prints
Purchased with the Elizabeth Halsey Dock, class of 1933, Fund and the Josephine A. Stein, class of 1927, Fund in honor of the class of 1927 (right bottom)

KÖRNIG, Hans. German, 1905–1989
Chronik einer Kindheit (Chronicle of Childhood), 1951–1958
Photolithograph printed in black on moderately thick, smooth cream-colored paper The Gladys Engel Lang and Kurt Lang Collection
TETRICK, Stanley. American, 1921–1999
McGovern-President ’72, 1972
Photolithograph printed in color on paper
The Gladys Engel Lang and Kurt Lang Collection
ARMS, John Taylor. American, 1887–1953
Princeton No. 1 Nassau Hall, 1925
Etching on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored laid paper
Gift of Susan E. Quantius, class of 1979, and Terry W. Hartle
BASKIN, Leonard. American, 1922–2000
Auguste Rodin on His Deathbed, 1963
Lithograph printed in black on medium-thick, slightly textured tan paper
Gift of Gale Petrie in honor of Sylvia and Morris Strauss
BASKIN, Leonard. American, 1922–2000
Jacques Callot, 1958
Gustave Courbet, 1969
Woodcuts on thin, slightly textured cream-colored washi paper
Gift of Paula Ferris Einaudi, class of 1965
BENDOLPH, Mary Lee. American, born 1935
To Honor Mr. Dial, 2005
Aquatint and spit-bite aquatint with soft-ground etching
Purchased in honor of Marilyn L. Cohen, class of 1968, for her service as chair of the Museum Visiting Committee, 2019–2021 (right top)
CELMINS, Vija. American, born Latvia, 1939
Concentric Bearings C, 1984
Aquatint, drypoint, mezzotint on medium-thick, slightly textured, cream-colored BFK Rives paper
Gift of Bonnie Serkin, class of 1971
DELLA BELLA, Stefano. Italian, 1610–1664
Quatre Turcs et un negre, a mi-corps et de profil (Four Turks and one Black man, half length and in profile)
Etching on medium-weight, slightly textured warm white paper
Purchased with the gift of Sue Welsh Reed, class of 1958, in honor of Amy Namowitz Worthen, class of 1967, and Tom Worthen
FAZLALIZADEH, Tatyana. American, born 1985
Black Girls (Queen), 2020
Screenprint on BFK Rives paper
Gift of Kemi Ilesanmi, class of 1998
FOUJITA, Leonard Tsuguharu. Japanese-French, 1886–1968
Little Girl with a Bird, ca. 1935
Woodblock print, ink and color on paper
Purchased with the Carroll and Nolen Asian Art Acquisition Fund
FRANKENTHALER, Helen. American, 1928–2011
Silent Curtain, 1967–1969
Two-color lithograph on medium-thick, moderately textured buff Arches paper
Gift of Susan E. Quantius, class of 1979, and Terry W. Hartle
GEHR, Mary. American, 1913–1997
The Mediterranean, 1983
Portfolio of 10 etching, aquatint and relief etchings on medium-thick, moderately textured cream-colored paper
Anonymous Gift
GUERARD, Henri-Charles. French, 1846–1897
Calendrier pour 1884 (Calendar for 1884), 1884
Etching, drypoint and roulette on medium-weight, smooth cream-colored paper
Purchased with the Elizabeth Halsey Dock, class of 1933, Fund
IKEGAMI Isao. Japanese, born 1938
Fú mon 1, 1986
Fú mon 2, 1986
Fú mon 3, 1986
Screenprints on medium-thick, slightly textured white paper
The Hilary Tolman, class of 1987, Collection. Gift of The Tolman Collection, Tokyo
IKEGAMI Isao. Japanese, born 1938
San (Scattering), 1987
Screenprint on medium-thick, slightly textured white paper
Gift of Joan Sigel Schuman, class of 1962
INAGAKI Tomoo. Japanese, 1902–1980
Senobi suru neko (Stretching Cat), 1963
Woodblock print on medium-thick, slightly textured tan paper
The Hilary Tolman, class of 1987, Collection. Gift of The Tolman Collection, Tokyo
KING, Mabel Mason DeBra. American, 1895–1950
Moonlight Panorama, Taxco, ca. 1940
Color woodcut on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Purchased with the Rita Rich Fraad, class of 1937, Fund for American Art
MARGOLIES, Samuel. American, 1897–1974
Gloucester Architecture, 1915–1954
Hard- and soft-ground etching on medium-weight, smooth cream-colored paper
The Lone Traveler, ca. 1940
Etching and aquatint on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Gift of Susan E. Quantius, class of 1979, and Terry W. Hartle
MATHAM, Jacob. Dutch, 1558–1617
After GOLTZIUS, Hendrick. Netherlandish (1571–1631)
The Penitent Magdalena, 1602
Engraving on thin, smooth cream-colored paper
Purchased with Elizabeth Halsey Dock, class of 1933, Fund
OFFNER, Elliot. American, 1939–2010
Trees on Hampstead Heath, 1983
Woodblock print in color on thin, slightly textured handmade cream-colored paper
Trees on Hampstead Heath, 1988
Woodblock print on medium-thick, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Bequest of Dr. Margaret Ann Waggoner
OUCHI Makoto. Japanese, 1926–1989
The TEN, 1981
Etching and aquatint on medium-thick, smooth cream-colored paper
The Hilary Tolman, class of 1987, Collection. Gift of The Tolman Collection, Tokyo
PASSE, Crispin van de. Netherlandish, 1565–1637
Cleopatra, ca. 1574–1637
Engraving on thin, smooth cream-colored paper
Purchased with the Eva W. Nair Fund (right, second from top)
SEKINO Jun’ichiro. Japanese, 1914–1988
Cape Abuto in Fukuyama City, 1986
Tairyo, 1986
Tekomai, 1986 (right, third from top)
Untitled, n.d.
Woodblock prints on medium-weight, slightly textured cream-colored paper
The Hilary Tolman, class of 1987, Collection. Gift of The Tolman Collection, Tokyo
SHARRER, Honore. American, 1920–2009
American Trust, 1941
Mom and Kids, 1941
Lithographs on paper
Diana with a Man Eating, 1970
Choice of Paris, 1971
Woman and Death, 1972
May, 1972
Etchings printed in black on paper
Businessman and Nude, 1980
Etching and collage on paper
Do I Dare to Eat a Peach?, 1980
Etching printed in black on paper
Archer and Wife, n.d.
Mother and Child, n.d.
Screenprints in color on paper
Gift of Adam Zagorin
SHINODA Toko. Japanese, 1913–2021
Ancient Poem, 1996
Lithograph and hand coloring on medium-thick, moderately textured cream-colored Arches paper
Gift of Joan Sigel Schuman, class of 1962
SUD, Anupam. Indian, born 1944
Persona, 1988
Etching and aquatint on thick, rough cream-colored handmade paper
Purchased with the Carroll and Nolen Asian Art Acquisition Fund (right, fourth from top)
SULTAN, Donald K. American, born 1951
Five of Diamonds and Six of Diamonds from the series Playing Cards, May 11, 1990
Color aquatint on medium-thick, slightly textured white paper
Gift of Susan E. Quantius, class of 1979, and Terry W. Hartle
TANIGUCHI Shigeru. Japanese, born 1948
Three Colors Paint, 1980
Screenprint on medium-thick, moderately textured buff-colored paper
The Hilary Tolman, class of 1987, Collection. Gift of The Tolman Collection, Tokyo
TRAVIÉS DE VILLERS, Charles-Joseph. French, 1804–1859
The Print-Shop of Aubert, 1832
Lithograph on medium-thick, slightly textured cream-colored paper
Purchased with the Eva W. Nair Fund (right bottom)
UTAGAWA Yoshitora. Japanese, active 1850–1880
Washington D.C., America from the series Comparison of an Assortment of Foreign Countries, 1862
Triptych of woodblock prints, ink and color on paper
Purchased with the Carroll and Nolen Asian Art Acquisition Fund
VILLON, Jacques. French, 1875–1963
After BONNARD, Pierre. French, 1867–1947
La Montagne Bleue from Album Pierre Bonnard, 1942–1946
Color lithograph on medium-weight, smooth cream-colored paper
Gift of Carol L. Franklin, class of 1975

BARTHÉ, Richmond. American, 1901–1989
The Negro Looks Ahead, 1944 (cast ca. 1979)
Purchased with the Kathleen Compton Sherrerd, class of 1954, Acquisition Fund for American Art and the Museum Acquisitions Fund
NGÔ, Hương. American, born 1979
Who Owns the Light?, 2017, neon fabricated 2021
White neon
Purchased with the Kathleen Compton Sherrerd, class of 1954, Acquisition Fund for American Art
OFFNER, Elliot. American, 1939–2010
Self-Portrait as Saint Gregory the Great, 1971
Bequest of Dr. Margaret Ann Waggoner
RICH, Frances L. American, 1910–2007
Diego Rivera (1886–1957), 1941
Virgil Thompson (1896–1989), 1961
Gift of the Frances L. Rich (class of 1931) Revocable Trust
ROGERS, John. American, 1829–1904
The Fugitive’s Story, 1869
Painted plaster
Transferred from Smith College Special Collections
WILLIAMS, Amanda. American, born 1974
Matterful Black Lives Tea Set, 2021
Glazed ceramic, mahogany
Gift of the Artist (right)

KATSUKAWA Shunsho. Japanese, 1726–1792
Ichikawa Danjuro V in a Shibaraku Role and Poem by Danjuro VII, 1787–1788, Edo period (1615–1868)
Two-panel folding screen; ink, color and gold on paper
Gift of John C. Weber