museum concentration senior capstone projects

Grace Ettinger ’22
We Live and Work in the Same Buildings
Rana Gahwagy ’22
Digitizing the Rocks and Minerals Collection at Smith College
Hannah Gates ’22
Measuring “Success” in Natural Science Education
Judith Ha ’23J
Public Humanities Concentration
Ariella Heise ’22
BADTM: Branding and Digital Trendless Miscommunications
Sandra Pomeleo-Fowler ’22
Who Gets to Be Online? Building a Digital Presence for Cultural Arts Organizations
Kandy Wan ’22
Interactive Digital Activities for Children—Chinese Folding Screen
above left: Museums concentration students write reflections about their practical experiences during one of several cohort-building workshops. Photo by Charlene Shang Miller; above right: Museums concentrators and Student Museum Educators engage in a reflection activity with Olivia Feal ’18, museum educator at the Mead Art Museum, Amherst College. Photo by Charlene Shang Miller